Pakistan Meteorological Department, Karachi
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Evaporation Tank

Evaporation, which changes liquids into vapors at temperatures below their boiling points, has been used by industry to purify substances and separate liquid mixtures. Evaporation Tanks have numerous applications within the chemical, food and wastewater industries. What’s more, proper evaporation of waste solutions, such as dyes, inks, scrubber waste, air compressor condensation, chemical solutions, cutting oils and wash waters, may generate significant savings when compared with other avenues of disposal.
Rain Guage

The rate of evaporation of a stored liquid largely depends on composition and surface temperature. Other factors that affect evaporation rate, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are:

• Wind Speed
• Ambient Temperature
• Tank Size
• Tank Volume
• Characteristics of the stored liquid

In general, evaporation tanks operating at atmospheric pressure are most efficient when their contents’ surfaces are widespread and exposed to wind, dynamic air circulation and dark heat-absorbing colors are also factors.